2012 Archive

Supper Club showings of The Fastest Indian with a delicious New Zealand lamb supper and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day complemented by a very English meal
Our first Burn’s Night for some years, was enjoyed by many in the village and saw the Haggis piped in and addressed by Bill Burnett in full Scottish regalia. Grateful thanks must go to Caryl for teaching us all the correct dance routines, to Linda and Ian for organising and decorating the Hall, and to all who generously donated a very interesting selection of good Scotch to make the evening go with a swing….
Our annual Easter Egg rolling was a great success and the weather was kind. The children much enjoyed filling their bags with the eggs found hidden in Ern’s field and were very creative with the decoration of their eggs which they then, very competitively rolled down Portway Hill. A delicious tea in the Village Hall rounded off an hour or two of Easter fun.
Richard Clothier met residents in The Village Hall to explain the proposed development and installation of a bio-digester at Wyke Farm. After much discussion and questioning, most residents were re-assured that the benefits of the installation would outweigh any negative impact. He assured us all that the only waste which would be processed would be that produced on their own farm
216The Queen’s Diamond Jubliee celebration and the lighting of the Beacon on Creech Hill were both huge successes. The whole village turned out to enjoy the wonderful food, drink and the excellent music provided by the many talented occupants of Lamyatt. Despite the rather inclement, typically British weather it was deemed a triumph! Very grateful thanks must go to Ern & Jen for allowing the use of their field for the event and especially to Philip, who along with his team, built the spectacular music stage and to Helen and her creative assistants for constructing the wonderful Bullbeggar giant who led us all up to the top of Creech hill for lighting of the beacon. Truly a Jubilee to remember.
The second Shakespeare event in the village saw Twelfth Night performed this year by Festival Players Theatre Company. Almost rained off, it went ahead as planned and the sun even showed its face. Speeds Farm was the venue and again our thanks to Simone & David for hosting and planning the event with the Shakespeare committee. We look forward to next summer’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The BT Phone Box was adopted by the village. After being de-commissioned, a working party of volunteers has restored it to its former, shining red, glory. A new use for it must now be sought and ideas are welcomed from villagers. The rather neglected bus stop also had a facelift and a future plan is to encourage the village children to plant some window boxes to put on the front
Our Harvest Festival was held at the Village Hall this year with a delicious lunch prepared by Jen and Ann and thoroughly by enjoyed by all.
Apple picking saw a good turnout from those in the village but resulted in a much decreased harvest. This year’s yield was very much reduced due to late frost and almost continual rain. The Bulbeggar will be in shorter supply next year!
A very well attended Guy Fawkes Night was enjoyed by over 200 people and thanks to the efforts of Ian and Helen (and George’s kindly loaned yard) parking for all was not a problem. The evening was dry, not too cold and the fireworks, very generously donated by the Stone family, were the best ever. A hugely success event held, once again, in Ern and Jen’s field .
The first supper club of the season saw the African film The God’s Must be Crazy served up with generous helpings of Bobotie and Biltong and all washed down by some good South African wines.
Our new vicar, the Rev. Rosey Lunn, had her service of licensing at St. Peter’s Evercreech – our new benefice – and she gave her first service in Lamyatt at Evensong which was very well attended. Tea was served after the service when there was an opportunity for her to meet many of the parishioners
Our annual Castle Cary fair, to raise funds for the Village Hall and the Church, was a success, despite the weather, with many contributing to the items for sale and helping on the day. Next year we hope to hold the fair in the summer.
At the Village Hall this month we saw the formation of the Lamyatt Choir with singing lessons to be held over the forthcoming weeks. Linda Goodhew’s initiative has seen enthusiastic participation and is much enjoyed. We are all looking forward to the first public performance in the coming year.
Proposed plans for the Village Hall re-development were shown to the village residents at two open evenings, one attended by the appointed architect, Tom Gascoigne. The evenings afforded us all the opportunity to make comments before the plans are submitted for planning application. Special thanks to Helen, Linda and Bob for their sterling efforts in putting together the necessary and lengthy documentation for funding. Thanks to them the first grant, £30,000, has been approved by Mendip Council and an application for Lottery funding will be made early in the new year.
We had a very well attended Christingle service and our traditional carol singing through the village which raised £250. Those who had braved the elements were rewarded with warming drinks and mince pies at Simon and Victoria and ended at The Manor House. A very well attended Midnight Mass was celebrated by candlelight on Christmas Eve with warming mulled cider on arrival

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